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Grand Jury vs. Trial Jury: Similarities and Differences


Both grand juries and trial juries are composed of citizens who are sworn to weigh evidence and make fair and impartial decisions.

Both types of juries are subject to rules of evidence and are instructed by a judge on the law applicable to the case.


Grand Jury

A grand jury is a secret proceeding that is used to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed and that the accused person should be charged with a crime.

The prosecutor presents evidence to the grand jury, but the accused person is not present and does not have the right to cross-examine witnesses or present evidence.

Trial Jury

A trial jury is a public proceeding that is used to determine the guilt or innocence of a person who has been charged with a crime.

Both the prosecutor and the accused person have the right to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses.


Grand juries and trial juries play important roles in the criminal justice system. Grand juries help to ensure that people are not charged with crimes without probable cause, while trial juries ensure that people are not convicted of crimes without a fair and impartial trial.
