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15 Attributes Of God


What They Mean and Why They Matter

In the biblical context, the term "Lord" holds immense significance as it represents God's absolute sovereignty and authority. The term "WEB LORD," often used in all caps or small caps, emphasizes the proper name of God, YHVH, which is commonly translated as "LORD" in many Bible translations to convey God's distinct and elevated nature.

God's attributes are the characteristics that define his nature and being. These attributes, such as his infinitude, self-existence, and immutability, help us understand the magnitude of his power and the depth of his character.

Here are 15 attributes of God and their significance:

  1. God Is Infinite: He is not limited by space, time, or matter. This attribute speaks to his vastness and the incomprehensible scale of his existence.
  2. God Is Self-Existent: He does not depend on anything else for his existence. This attribute highlights his independence and the fact that he is the source of all creation.
  3. God Is Immutable: He does not change in his nature or character. This attribute assures us of his steadfastness and the reliability of his promises.
  4. God Is Omniscient: He knows everything, past, present, and future. This attribute emphasizes his perfect knowledge and understanding of all things.
  5. God Is Omnipresent: He is present everywhere at the same time. This attribute speaks to his limitless presence and his involvement in all aspects of his creation.
  6. God Is Omnipotent: He has unlimited power and can do anything he wills. This attribute showcases his mighty strength and his ability to accomplish his purposes.
  7. God Is Holy: He is morally perfect and separate from all sin. This attribute highlights his purity and the standard of righteousness he sets for his creation.
  8. God Is Just: He acts fairly and impartially, upholding justice and righteousness. This attribute assures us of his equitable judgment and the consequences of our actions.
  9. God Is Love: He is the embodiment of love, compassion, and kindness. This attribute reveals his relational nature and his desire for fellowship with his creation.
  10. God Is Faithful: He is trustworthy and keeps his promises. This attribute gives us confidence in his character and the reliability of his word.
  11. God Is Gracious: He shows kindness and favor to those undeserving. This attribute highlights his mercy and the abundance of his blessings.
  12. God Is Patient: He is slow to anger and gives ample time for repentance. This attribute demonstrates his longsuffering and his desire for restoration.
  13. God Is Merciful: He shows compassion and forgiveness to those who sin. This attribute reveals his tenderhearted nature and his willingness to offer redemption.
  14. God Is Sovereign: He is in complete control of all events and circumstances. This attribute assures us of his ultimate authority and the fulfillment of his plans.
  15. God Is Triune: He exists as three distinct persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. This attribute highlights the mystery of God's nature and the diversity within his unity.

Understanding these attributes helps us to appreciate the magnitude of God's character and the foundation of our faith. They provide a framework for our worship, shape our understanding of his nature, and guide our relationship with him.
